Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pathway to Liberty - We Have Lost Our Way

This is one of the best kept secrets in America!

God gave our forefathers the pathway to liberty, it's the only example of how to obtain liberty in world history and our forefathers left us the map in this monument.

As America descends into tyranny under Satan's plan I wanted to post a reminder of what 'we the people' of America are losing through our dependency on government to provide for all our needs. We are a nation that has lost it's vision, it's guiding light, our Creator. 

Our History of Liberty

Folks it's almost gone and getting it back will not be easy but the question is do you want to be free or slaves? Big government is enslaving us one day at a time and the people are supporting their position with their hands outstretched in hopes of getting the promised government subsistence; what they will get in reality is shackles on their ankles and wrists.

Civil war is NOT the answer for restoration; history has proven many times that mans methods do not work. This battle will not be won with guns and bloodshed but with God fearing men on their knees crying out to God with repentant hearts in all humility. It requires a broken and contrite heart and repentance. There is no other way under Heaven to be free once more in America.

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Are you called by His name or do you just claim the title in your social circles and weekly gatherings at church?  Have you forgotten who He is, that He gives you every breath, and that you are only one heartbeat away from eternity. 

My prayer is that you will reconsider what you have accomplished and weigh it in the balance between life without liberty and life with liberty to see if you are found wanting.

Balance scale in the Egyptian Book of the Dead from Wikipedia.

True liberty only comes from God, without Him there is NO liberty, America have you forgotten who He is? Refresh your memory by reading the Gospel of John and then repent and cry out to Him before all is lost.

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