Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Guess Who You Will Find in Heaven

Coming in December.

Do our Pets go to Heaven?

Job 12:10 God holds the lives of animals in His hands

Psalms 104:21-30, Matthew 6:26 He Himself, feeds them

Revelation 4:11 They were created for His enjoyment

Matthew 10:29, Luke 12:6 God never forgets about them

Proverbs 12:10 People who mistreat their pets are judged by Him as cruel

Proverbs 12:10 Those who treat their pets kindly are called righteous

From my own experiences:

God does marvelous things for His people through the love of their pets. Your pet dogs for example will very often look into your eyes with unconditional love. 

Animals are very spiritually in tune with their surroundings; they recognize good and evil and will provide you with a warning if your senses are not paying attention.

We have two Pit Bulls and one Pit Bull Shepherd mix; all three were rescue dogs and they are just awesome!

The last one to make her home here is the Pit Bull mix. In May we had some really bad tornadoes and she was a victim who lost her owners. We tried for a month to find her owners without success and by that time she was fully accepted into and part of our pack.

It's interesting how she found us; our daughter was leaving for a trip to the store and as she was getting into her car two dogs strolled into the yard, one collapsed, our Pit Bull mix, and the other was a little white dog.

When our daughter got out of the car to check on our collapsed visitor the little white dog just vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. Our daughter went into the house to find a treat to see if she could coax this little injured one to come inside and discovered her new friend had already entered the house with her.

We looked all over for the little white dog that just vanished and could not find him, nor has he ever been seen by any of us since that time. It's as if he was a guide for our Pit Bull mix and once she was delivered his work was done.

Our Lord really does take care of all the details - He is worthy of our praise!

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