Monday, April 14, 2014

Bundy Ranch Prayer Answered - God Intervened!

Many times when you pray and intercede for for a situation you don't see a direct return of an answer, this video says it all. 

These two men after a week of intense stress on site at Bundy Ranch share God's answer to your prayers of intervention. Thank You for joining with us.


Alert Sheriff Gillespie Seeks Slaughter

If God had been left out of this situation, today's headlines would be much different. The Lucy's had a plan and baited the trap with the lives of 20 BLM officers; these men were positioned with no escape, they were an intended blood sacrifice. 

God prevented the completion of the Lucy plan because these two men waited on the Lord and warned the others. Those who wait upon the Lord and seek His direction first avoid being ensnared.

Thank You Lord! We praise YOU!

Psalm 37:9 For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the Lord, They shall inherit the earth.

Please make this video viral.

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