Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Son Called & Said I HAVE CANCER & No Insurance

In January 2011 we got a call from our 24 year old son saying I have Cancer.

He said the doctors in Southeast Alaska had done all they could for him and recommended further evaluation and treatment in the lower 48 where they had the necessary equipment to treat him.

Our hearts sank, especially his mom's; it's the kind of call you don't want to ever receive from your children or any other family member.

He had bone cancer similar to the pictures displayed here. 

Sample pictures

Sick  Healthy

We had him come down and stay with us for treatment. He brought his CAT Scans and doctors analysis; when he got here and showed us the pictures we discovered the whole story. In addition to the bone cancer he had several masses in his rib cage, liver, and spleen plus an expanding bump on his head which was about the size of a silver dollar and a quarter inch in height resulting in horrible headaches that nothing he tried would help.

Were do you start to tackle this prognosis? He has no insurance, he's not covered under our insurance and we have very little money in the bank. Do you know how much standard medical treatment costs for this disease, not to mention the dismal results that can be expected? The track record of complete recovery from bone cancer is not encouraging, in fact I lost an uncle to bone cancer and traditional treatment.

We started with prayer seeking God's direction and guidance. Our Lord knew this was coming long before any of us were aware of it and He had already prepared me for what was to come.

I had been retired for seven years and as a result of having my own bladder cancer scare 10 years previously I had done a lot research regarding natural remedies for cancer treatment, but would he and his mother have the ability to over come the fear instilled by doctors regarding traditional treatment and their insistence that time is of the essence if there is to be any success at all, to risk his life to dad and home cures?

As it turned out he had more confidence in my research than he had faith in the traditional medical treatment methods. I had all the necessary items to begin home treatment by the time he arrived and we started immediately. 

I verified the cancer was in fact present through a Laboratory in the Philippines using their unique testing procedures, we needed to verify that the CAT Scan results were indeed what the doctors believed them to be. I am not a doctor and did not have the expertise. The report came back confirming cancer.

We began treatment within a couple hours following his arrival; he was pale, lethargic, very sick, and in a lot of pain, especially the headache and rib cage area. He said he had awful headaches for the past month and that even prescription medication did not give him any relief. 

I had acquired a sound wave device designed to the same frequency that healthy human cells emit. This device gives the healthy cells a boost, kills parasites and abnormal cell structures; the machine was also noted for relieving migraine headaches so we started with it on his head and scheduled 3 treatments a day for about 15 minutes each. Within one minute his headache was gone and never came back during the remaining 8 weeks of treatment.

In addition to this sound wave device we used massive doses of nutritional supplements along with a drastic change in diet all geared to balance the bodies pH level and boost the immune system. He began to feel better within a couple days and within 5 days had color back in his face. In 8 weeks he was cancer free and completely healed; we verified this result with an additional lab test in the Philippines and followup X rays. The X ray was completely clear with the bone lesions and tumor masses completely gone from all affected areas.

Who gets the glory, praise, and thanks for this miraculous outcome? Our Creator and Healer and in my case He was my teacher as He led me through those many years of research. He is worthy to be praised! 

 The first source of healing is our creator, Jesus Christ.  He is where everything starts.  He is the true healing power.  

The bible states, "But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal (Natural, Earthly) bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you" Romans 8:11.  

The same God that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you and will give life to your body.  In other words He will heal it.

It is very important that you believe in His healing powers.  Your thoughts and attitude toward the situation are key.  If you doubt such a healing, then healing may not happen. 

In Mark chapter 5, A woman touches Jesus cloths believing that just one touch will heal her.  When Jesus feels this he finds her in the crowed and states, “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” If a simple touch of the robe healed her, imagine what could happen for you as He dwells within.
Next month will be 3 years and I am pleased to say he is still cancer free! Thank you Jesus!


  1. The treatment plan was an eight week period resulting in complete healing.
  2. Our total out of pocket direct medical cost was $513.00.
  3. The Bio energy sound wave device was $250.00
  4. The monthly supplementation cost was about $150.00
  5. 8 weeks of treatment total cost was $1,063.00
I am not a medical doctor and am not making any medical claim that this method will help or heal you. This is merely a testimony of how our God walked us through this very trying time into His complete victory.

If you desire to have the specific details of the protocol we used just send me an email specifying where I can email you a complete PDF copy. Send your request here.  James McCoy


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